50 Times Dogs Got A Second Chance And Transformed Into Beautiful, Loving Dogs (New Pics)
Interview With ExpertThe genre of before-and-after never gets old. Pictures of dogs are an immediate mood-booster. But pictures of dogs who got rescued and are now doing 100 times better are even more heartwarming. Around 3.1 million dogs get adopted every year. On the other hand, around 390,000 don't get rehomed and are euthanized.
But the puppers in these pics are not part of that statistic. They are the lucky ones. We like to melt some Pandas' hearts from time to time, and that's why we collected these precious rescue dog transformation pics. These dogs' stories are a testament to what a little bit of luck, a kind human heart, and a true connection between a pet and an owner can do.
To know more about the delights and challenges of adopting a rescue pet, Bored Panda reached out to Certified Dog Trainer Kristi Benson, CTC PCBC-A. She helps struggling dog owners with her online classes, including "The Calm, Cool, and Collected Dog." We asked Kristi to weigh in on the adopt vs. shop debate, and she also spoke about the challenges that rescue dog owners might run into. Read her recommendations below!
More info: Kristi Benson | Facebook | X | The Calm, Cool, and Collected Dog
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Jeff, A Stray I Found A While Back. Before And After
Certified Dog Trainer Kristi Benson is all for adopting dogs. "I would encourage anyone and everyone who is thinking about getting a dog to consider a dog from a rescue or shelter," she told Bored Panda.
"Homeless dogs are, generally, homeless due to circumstances outside their control (such as the people in their lives experiencing difficulties), not because they are somehow lesser than purebred or purpose-bred dogs. Thousands of beautiful, charming, silly, robust, energic, chill, and well-mannered dogs can be found in rescues and shelters every day!"
"All dogs, no matter their origin, are their own creatures with their own set of challenges and strengths," the dog trainer points out.
But not all people choose to adopt. Some folks want pure-bred dogs, and I myself will admit I used to be one of those people. When I was a kid, I wanted a pure beagle so bad I got my parents to buy me one. Back then, I didn't know about what goes on in puppy mills, and if I had known, I certainly would've done a 180 in a heartbeat.
Elsa Was Found In A Ditch With A Broken Leg, A Broken Jaw, And A Large Abcess In Her Neck. I Just Couldn't Say No To Bringing Her Home. It's Been Six Months Since And She's The Silliest Dog
I Found Him Badly Attacked And Injured, Left To Die. A Few Months Later, He’s Doing Great In His Forever Home
Poor little pup. I'm so glad he was saved and has someone who cares for him. :-)
Sadly, purchasing a dog from good breeders is becoming less and less possible. Kristi says that getting a dog from a breeder can be beneficial, but many people might be unaware they're getting a dog from a puppy mill and not a certified breeder.
"A great dog breeder will focus on the physical and behavioral health of their pups and will be committed to finding homes that are a good match for the dogs they sell," she explains. "However, the vast majority of puppies who are sold to the unsuspecting public are not from great breeders -- they are from puppy mills."
"Puppy mills are horrific and dangerous for the parent dogs," dog trainer Kristi Benson goes on, "who live in absolutely abhorrent conditions, and the puppies, who don't experience the quality socialization they need and may suffer medically and behaviourally, along with their new human family, as they grow."
Before And After. We Adopted Lily From A Humane Society Near Los Angeles Six Years Ago. Now Lily Is The Happiest Little Girl
Tucker Before And After We Adopted
My Rescue Dog's 6-Month Transformation
Due to the rising tide of negative press and the shift in public opinion about puppy mills, their owners now go out of their way to mask their practices. "They produce beautiful websites with pictures of lovely family scenes with healthy dogs and puppies," Kristi explains.
"A good search on figuring out if a puppy-selling website is a front for a puppy mill should be the first step for those who choose to buy a purebred or purpose-bred dog, unless they know the breeder personally," the dog trainer adds.
This Is Why We Foster. The Difference A Few Weeks Can Make
Two Years Ago, We Rescued The Dirtiest, Most Diseased, And Starving Tripod Dog. Today, He Is Gorgeous
This reminds me of a dog we had some 40 years ago . Cleo was returned to the pound so often mom took her home to see what is wrong with her. She only limped a little and when she started running she just lifted that leg and ran on three instead. So nothing wrong with the dog, sweet and cute. But she was only to stay with us for behavior checking. I learnt from mom that behavior check sometimes -like for Cleo- takes a lifetime........
This Is Gertie Before vs. After. She Was Dumped At The Shelter At 8 Weeks Old And Was There For Four Months. However, We Adopted Gertie, And We Love Her Very Much
As a seasoned dog trainer, Kristi says that bringing home a rescue puppy won't be that different than a puppy from a breeder. The most important rule still remains: Prepare!
"Read good puppy books written by qualified positive reinforcement trainers, which focus on socialization instead of punishment and obedience," Kristi recommends. "If at all possible, choose a puppy class with lots of free play and socializing."
What if you're bringing home an adult dog and not a puppy? "[This] may include some challenges, but these will be dog-specific and not necessarily origin-specific," Benson says. "If the dog is in need of a bit of remedial manners training, a great dog training class will be a good option. If the dog might have some fears, then a good positive reinforcement trainer can help."
My Recent Foster, Leiah, Was Saved from Euthanasia. It Took Many Weeks Of Medicated Baths To Get Her Hair Growing Back And Extra Feedings To Get Her To A Normal Weight
When Leiah was healthy enough, we found her forever family. She has a wonderful dad and dog sibling who love her very much.
Those are the saddest puppy doggy I've ever seen. But they are also very cute at the same time. I love puppy dog eyes. Big round and beautiful.
It’s Been A Year Since I Adopted Kenai. You Don’t Notice A Change Until You Look At The Old Pictures
Poor Kenai looks so stressed in the left picture but so beautiful in the right picture.
Cotton's Before And After, One Year Apart. He Was Rescued In A Hoarding Case With 30 Other Dogs (All Suffering From Mange And Malnutrition). He Went From Under 40 Pounds To 80 In 12 Months
"If the dog needs to brush up on their house-training skills after a stay in a kennel, a few weeks of training might be needed to hone this skill as well." Kristi has a house-training course for owners who struggle to housebreak their adult dogs.
But just because a dog comes from a shelter or rescue doesn't mean owners will face challenges. "They need care, exercise, good food, vet care, enrichment, and all the things that we love providing for our dogs! But these are things that we must provide to all the pets in our care," Kristi points out.
Because Adoption Matters
Our New Rescue Pup, Tiki. Before Us, She Was Chained, Starved, And Left With A Broken Leg. We Promised To Give Her The Best Life She Deserves
One Year Later Our Sweet Ruby Is Thriving
I found her on the side of the highway during a road trip, hundreds of miles from home. None of the local rescues would take her. The obvious broken leg also turned out to be a bad bone infection, and vets couldn't save it. That doesn't stop her or even seem to slow her down!
Kristi says that reaching out to a professional dog trainer is always a safe bet, whether the dog is a rescue or not. "I would encourage every dog guardian to attend a dog training class taught by a [credited], positive-reinforcement dog trainer. Dog training has changed colossally in the last few decades, and we are so much better at helping you and your dog live comfortably and joyfully with each other than we used to be!"
"This is especially the case with puppies, who benefit enormously from the safe environment of a well-handled puppy class to play with other puppies and learn important life skills, such as how to be comfortable at the veterinary office and have their nails trimmed."
Our Beautiful Rescue Boy. His Name Is Kung Fu
We found him at a temple (we’re in Thailand), and we think he was possibly abandoned by previous owners and got attacked by the dogs already living there. Now he seems to have forgotten all about his past, thankfully.
When We Adopted Boone, He Was Only 20 Pounds, Malnourished, Wounded From Attacks, Covered In Mange, Smelled Like A Sewer, And Afraid Of Everything. Now, He Is A 50-Pound Sweet And Derpy Dog
My Neighbor Called Me Because She Saw An Emaciated Dog On The Side Of The Road. This Is Her Progress Since Rescue. She Had To Be Hospitalized For 2 Weeks And Is Recovering
But Kristi warns people to look out for unqualified trainers. "Sadly, dog training remains an unregulated field, which means that anyone, no matter their educational history or approach to changing a dog's behavior, can call themselves a professional and take your money."
"So, do some digging around before you slap your credit card down and sign up for the closest class. If there are no good trainers close by, there are oodles of great online classes for everything from basic manners to specialized training and even [how] to deal with behavior issues."
From Being Dumped On A Construction Site To A Couch Potato Who Wears A Cozy Winter Jacket For Walks
Met This Poor Abandoned Girl At A Work Site. Couldn’t Take Her In My Work Truck But Came Back 3 Hours Later And She Was Still There. She Has A New Home Now
With Love And Care, Everything Damaged Can Be Healed
"If your new dog is showing worrisome behaviors, such as aggression or fear, or is not fitting in well with your family, hiring a professional trainer can absolutely help," Kristi agrees.
"We can help you meet your dog's needs, meet your needs, and keep everyone feeling safe and joyful. If hard decisions, such as a return to a rescue, need to be made, a trainer can also help clarify and talk you through this."
My Brother's Dog, Ricky, Before And After Adoption
My Newest Foster, Gizzie, Is 8 Weeks Old And Has Demodex Mange, Entropion, Anemia, Skin And Eye Infections, A Corneal Ulcer, And Heart Murmur. After A Few Months Already Feeling Way Better
Luna Was A Stray In Egypt And Now Is Living The High Life In Canada
Can't lie... Kinda looks like a junkie that got clean! 🤣 Absolutely adorable! 😍
Even as a professional dog trainer, Kristi is not against people who want to train their dogs themselves. She says there is plenty of respectable material online. "Check out resources at your local library or online, or head to your neighborhood bookshop and look for books by Jean Donaldson, Zazie Todd, Victoria Stillwell, Karen Pryor, and Marc Bekoff to start!"
Joker Was A Bait Dog For I Don't Know How Long. It Amazes Me From The Moment I Met Him All He Needed Was Love To Heal
This makes me so sad... Angry... And happy all at once! I'm no snitch but when I was in high school I had a history teacher take me and a couple guys to a fight and I may sound like a wus but I cried before I ever saw a fight(I had no idea this is what we were going to. Originally it was a cóck fight and I sorta knew what it was but not exactly...) let's just say that at that moment in time I straight up became a snitch!!
I Found This Babie In Kandahar 5 Years Ago, Half Starved And Mangy, And Now He’s Living The Dream Life
He was already a happy do before the adoption! Look at him all smilling.
I Fostered This Girl From A Shelter, They Said That She Wasn’t Going To Make It Much Longer. After A Few Months, She Slowly Got Over Her Fears And Is Now A Very Confident Girl
she could be Lous sister if I didn't know they were all black with white markings on the chest. I just love the brussel sprout ears
"Most dogs settle into their adult behavior by about age three: their sociability to other dogs and people, their exercise needs, and so on," Kristi explains.
"So, looking at dogs who are at least three years old at the rescue or shelter is a good bet, especially if the dog was in a foster home. You'll have a sense of what the dog is like and how they'll fit into your home and your life!"
Before And 1.5 Years After Adoption
Gizmo Before And After A Little Bit Of Love
The Photo That Made Me Go Get Him And What His Life Turned In To
He was left behind when a family moved out. For days alone with only a cut-open dog food bag in the cement and dirty backyard. We weren't prepared for a dog, but I knew I had to get him out of there, even if it was only to get him to a vet and give him a safe space till we could find somewhere else for him to go. In a few days, we will celebrate his 7th birthday. The best spur-of-the-moment decision I've ever made. He's getting old and his cancer is back, so it won't be too long before we lose him, but we will love him till the end of time and give him everything he wants and needs until he tells us he's ready.
Kristi also points out that not all rescues are the same. Some might have questionable practices, too. "Some rescues pull dogs from places far from home (which may or may not be an ethical issue)," she goes on.
"Some use outdated and dangerous training techniques to mask worrisome behaviors in the dogs in their care, and some may not vet well for health and offer little or no support post-adoption. Many rescues are wonderful, though, and take great care of the animals they place with adoptive homes."
The dog trainer also tells people to consider adopting a senior dog. "These dogs are often less active, which means they fit in nicely with a more casual home (I don't get up at six to jog for an hour, do you?). And nothing will fill up your heart quite like being a soft and gentle spot for a homeless senior dog to land after a stretch in a rescue or shelter."
Before And After Abraham Being With Us For 1 Week. He’s The Sweetest Boy And Is Living A Good Life Now
So according to the reddit post the dog was a stray and picked up by a shelter. They would've euthanised him after the holding period was up, but a hound rescue OP fosters with rescued him from that faith. The first photo was at the shelter, the second after a week at OP's house. Checked this because I thought 'no way an animal can recover that much in a week'. The body needs to get used to more food again etc.
Before And After From Milly
This dog was left to guard an abandoned sand quarry. I noticed her when it was -40°C. When I first tried to touch her, she wanted to bite me. Now I can cuddle her everywhere, anytime.
Further Progress For Papi, With New Starter Pictures. From Adoption Last Month To Today
We Finally Met Our Goal Weight! My 25 Lb Baby Before vs. After
The Difference A Few Months Can Make
We Adopted This Very Sad Looking Girl On Saturday, And She Already Loves Her New Family
Fed Junk Food And Never Given Any Exercise Her Whole Life, Shiloh Couldn't Walk More Than 10 Meters Before Having To Stop And Rest. 3 Months Later, She's Lost 30 Pounds
Wesley's Before And After. Now He Runs With Other Doggies In Dog Heaven
Wesley was heartworm-positive, limping, and listed as age 5. He’d been at the pound for 3 weeks, and he was not neutered.
I explained that I’d pay for the heartworm treatment (the shelter typically pays) and promised them I was not looking to breed him. I believe in neutering/spaying. I had my vet email confirm a neuter consult that was coming Monday, signed legal documents about getting him neutered, etc., and off we went.
Apparently, he’s actually 3.5 years old, and he’s a total goofball. He also was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma 2 weeks ago. We have a week or two left. I'm glad I saved him. Glad he didn’t die with sadness on his face.
Tater Was A Stud Who Lived In A Backyard For His First 2 Years. We Arranged Rescue With The People Who Had Him, And Since Then His Sunburnt, Infected Skin Has Healed Tons
Hero Was Dumped In A Ditch At The Side Of The Road With Just His Head Sticking Out Of The Water. Luckily, Someone Found Him, And He Lived For 5 More Years, Fed, Healthy, And Happy
So many pitties get mistreated. Breaks my heart--they are the sweetest goofballs ever.
My Husband Calls Her "My Most Improved." Meet Captain Blueberry. She Has Come So Far. Once Fear Was Gone, A Sweet, Curious Personality Came Shining Through
Koda Before And After
2 years ago, I brought an anxious boy with a mess of at least 30 stitches on his back. He had no leash manners and was very needy. At first, he needed to walk about 15 km/day just to calm his anxiety. Now he’s a confident, happy boy who knows he’s home. And his coat is straight-up luxurious these days!
This Is Our Girl, Pinky! Saw A Post Regarding Her Needing Rescue From A Riverside, CA Shelter And Got Her Out Of There The Next Day. We Adore Her
1-Year Retrospective. I Found Him Abandoned In The Street, Almost Dying
It was a difficult moment to decide to bring him with me. He was infested with ticks and worms, as well as fungus in his fur and many wounds. There were several months of care. I spent 2 weeks hydrating him and forced-feeding with a syringe. After that, he needed hospitalization for a few weeks because he wasn't eating or drinking water. In the hospital, he was hydrated intravenously and fed through a tube.
Looks like a resurrection to me. Poor baby. Your love and kindness is what pulled him through.
My Rescue From The Day We Met And To This Week
One Year Ago, We Rescued Her From Under A House. Now She's A Happy Pup
Six-Month Difference. She Has Made Almost A Full Recovery And Is The World's Biggest Lap Dog I’ve Ever Seen. Meet Itchy
She was brought into our local shelter as a stray (she was starving in the winter and apparently walked up to someone’s door). The shelter vet said it was the worst case of mange and malnutrition that they had ever seen. They were going to put her down that night unless someone was able to take her right then and there. Our friend (who already had five dogs) immediately came and picked her up and kept her for three days before calling us.
We fell in love immediately. All she wanted was love. She immediately ran into my lap and, although she was very skittish towards men, started licking me and jumped right into my arms.
Hank's Photo Was Enough For Me To Apply For His Adoption. He Is Doing Much Better
My Wife And I Found Niro At 3 AM And Have Officially Become His Foster Parents. He Is The Stinkiest Little Booger And Is Definitely A Daddy's Boy
Poor guy. I wonder how they can survive when they are so emaciated.
Finally Adopted! Before vs. After
Bless you kind and wonderful souls who adopted/sheltered/rescued and fostered these beautiful dogs....and I have no kind words for those who abuse any animals.
I never know if I should be angry or happy after these posts. If you live in a country where you never see street dogs it seems surreal. We have cases of neglectful owners but they are (not) rare (enough). I have never seen mange in real life and I think I would cry for fury.
We can't save them all, unfortunately, but we make one hell of a difference to the ones we can.
Load More Replies...Bless you kind and wonderful souls who adopted/sheltered/rescued and fostered these beautiful dogs....and I have no kind words for those who abuse any animals.
I never know if I should be angry or happy after these posts. If you live in a country where you never see street dogs it seems surreal. We have cases of neglectful owners but they are (not) rare (enough). I have never seen mange in real life and I think I would cry for fury.
We can't save them all, unfortunately, but we make one hell of a difference to the ones we can.
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